Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What one book has been life changing for you and why?

This question was recently presented in a LinkenIn Q&A. You can see my response below. I would love to hear what book everyone else loves so I can go check it out if I haven't already.

I would have to say "The Goal" by Eliyahu M. Goldratt. My manager asked me if I ever read books and I told him I only read non-fiction. He handed me the book and said read this and let me know what you think. For those who haven't read the book it is a business novel that discusses in some detail "The theory of constraints". This book sent me down a rabbit hole to a new world. Since then I have become passionate about Lean (TPS, etc..) and can not get enough information about process improvement. I have even had some level of success applying TOC and Lean in my personal life and even my wife has (unknowingly) found some interesting solutions to managing our household that look a lot like a Kanban, Visual systems, and 5S.


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