Saturday, June 25, 2011

Deming's 14 Points

I recently commented on a guys post on LinkedIn. The topic was key points of management and he had stated that Deming's 14 points would be his first choice if he had to choose only three topics to teach.

My response:

"I am a huge fan of Deming also Tim. Out of the Crisis was one of the most insightful books that I have ever read. I found a tenth printing copy (from around 1990) at Half Price Books that looked like it had never been read. Inside was a laminated bookmark that had a GM logo, the 14 points one one side and the 7 diseases on the back. It made me wonder if the person who owned that book before me had any regrets about not reading it. I also thought about the possibility that that person was one of the many affected by the recent turn of events. It also reminded me what a shame it was that American businesses in general didn't take to heart some of these points."
"Hopefully that is beginning to change. I have recently seen signs that give me hope."

After writing this I thought to my self that it had been a long time since I read that book and I wondered how many of the points would seem familiar when if I read them now. This seemed to me to be a great topic for a new article. I will review and comment on Deming's 14 points in the weeks ahead, taking them one by one.

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