Monday, September 29, 2014

I Hate Road Rage and Crazy Drivers or I drive 635 Solution

Years ago I came up with an idea for a self policing freeway system. We all hate when we have to deal with someone who drives like a jerk and I will present my idea here for all of you to consider.

I call my idea B.I.C.S.Y.T.O (pronounced bixy-toe). The acronym stands for "because I can't shoot your tires out", (I previously called it B.I.C.S.Y., which stood for because I can't shoot you , but I changed it for marketability). The idea relies upon two pieces of technology that everyone would be required to have in their car. One is a receiver that will shut down the car (or slow it down depending on the situation) and the other is a "gun" type device. How it would work is when someone is driving in a manner that is unacceptable the other drivers would shoot the offending auto which would give the offending driver a negative punishment (removing from him the ability to drive) temporarily. The drivers doing the shooting would receive positive reinforcement by being empowered to remove offending drivers from the mainstream of traffic. If a driver receives too many "shots" in a set time period the car could be permanently disabled or, once auto pilot for vehicles is in effect (they are very close now), could lock the car and drive the offender to the police station for detention.

I could go into greater detail of how this might be technologically possible, however that is beyond the scope of this discussion.


R. West